Information on new coronavirus infections
“The 4th ISPACOS Symposium
Connect Online! Patient-Friendly Cancer Care Science”
June 7, 2020 (Sun.) Web Conference
We truly appreciate your participation in the 4th ISPACOS Symposia.
In this page, we compiled publicly available information links that are related to the contents of the symposium.
Please note that the following information sources are collected as of June 7, 2020.
1. What do patients feel and think about the new coronavirus epidemic?
・About the new coronavirus infection, Japanese Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare HP
・Emergency survey on the impact of the spread of the new coronavirus infection on patients Online patient association “Peer Ring” HP
2. Accurate information about the new coronavirus
■ About the drug development process
・Information on clinical trials, etc. Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare HP
・About the development process of drugs
■Movements of domestic and overseas regulatory authorities after the outbreak of the new coronavirus
・Japan Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Agency HP
・History of drug-related harm Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare HP
3. Means of connection: e-communication
■About online medical care
・Website on online medical care Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare HP
・Online medical care in light of the spread of new coronavirus infection Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare website
■Utilization of online exchange meetings
・Young adult cancer patient association STAND UP!
4. general discussion
・New Coronavirus Infection HP of Infectious Diseases Society of Japan